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Philippe Meyer Institute

The "Institut de Physique Théorique Philippe MEYER" has been established
in the Physics department of the Ecole normale supérieure.

The main goal of the Institute is to promote research in Theoretical Physics and
participate in the training of young theorists through the organization of conferences,
international scientific exchanges, and postdoctoral fellowships.

This Institute is funded by a partnership-based Foundation jointly created by
the Ecole normale supérieure and the Meyer Foundation.


Partnership-based Foundation :
Affiliation : Fondation Meyer, Ecole normale supérieure.


Organisation :
- Director : Adel Bilal
- Administrative Assistants : Sandrine Patacchini.
- Contact (Website) : Sandrine Patacchini
- Administrative Assistant, Communication, Contact (Website) : Sandrine Patacchini



. Nathaniel LEVINE
. Lorenzo PIROLI
. Yifei HE
. Michele FAVA
. Aleksandr TUMANOV

Research areas

- String theory, gauge theory, general relativity, supergravity, M-theory, dualities.
- Theoretical condensed matter and disordered systems, non-equilibrium dynamics.

Major publications

See the last 10 publication on the HAL website.

Site web
