The Physics Department of the Ecole normale supérieure has been a LabEx, ‘Laboratory of Excellence’ since 2011, both for its research and its teaching strategy. The LabEx ENS-ICFP, standing for International Centre for Fundamental Physics and its interfaces, receives funding support from the French ministry of Research and Education.
Through this project, the department implements wide-ranging research initiatives and ambitious education objectives, that were previously out of reach. The main objective is to reinforce the international attractiveness of the ENS Physics Department, while broadening the recruitment pool. The current project concentrates on three key measures :
Junior Research Chairs (JRC)
These chairs are dedicated to talented young scientists, applying from abroad. These junior scientists are enabled to rapidly develop research fields across laboratories within the Physics department, with opportunity to develop their talents in a leading research environment. Under the guidance of his or her mentor, the chair holder has a regular interaction with faculty members leaders in their fields, and does contribute to major breakthroughs at the forefront of scientific field.
Master in Fundamental Physics
Since 2012, the program has been providing a two-year Master, at the same time integrated and international, in fundamental physics. This master is intended for outstanding students, international and French. This ENS-PSL program, unique in the department, is offered in close collaboration with partner institutions within Paris area (SU, UP, Université Paris-Saclay, Ecole Polytechnique). The teaching is in English, with a majority of international students.
Students coming from abroad can apply for a scholarship.
Outreach activities
The ENS-ICFP project involves a maximized dissemination of scientific results, an improved outlook for the department’s international side and sustained relations with the private sector. Consolidate relationship with the private sector remains a priority for the department, which often still appears exclusively academic in its orientation. This is also a solid step in establishing long-term relationships with companies both for research and for education.